Sunday, October 4, 2020

Glad this thing still exists...

Most of my writing is pencil and paper in a cahier tucked inside my bullet journal, these days. But I still read blogs, and I'm not always motivated to write. 

Rather than recap the past year + of events in the most bizarre times of our lives, I'll just launch from here with a little bit o' catch up: 

1 - last year I broke my right humerus and tore up my rotator cuff. A year of PT, and a surgery and more PT later, I'm still recuperating in a way that feels like it's dominating my life. I am simply unable to properly express my gratitude that it didn't happen to my dominant arm! I have just recently become able to knit a little. 

2 - I have thus far managed to avoid catching COVID. 

3 - I'm teaching virtually, and am torn between liking it, and hating it. I enjoy the shorter hours, and the commute down to the clamcave (takes 30 seconds, heh) but I miss the kids and my colleagues. 

4 - Cricket is still with me, 14.5 years old, and creaky and cranky. I love him, and am acutely aware that every day is a gift. 

5 - I'm still meditating, now using the Calm app. 

6 - I've been on a bit of a sewing binge this summer, making a bunch of Sonya Philip patterns and masks mostly. 

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